School Age
Cantalician Center for Learning is a New York State Department of Education-approved private school providing instruction to students with a wide range of intellectual disabilities including, but not limited to: autism, intellectual disabilities, Down syndrome and multiple disabilities. Our School Age Program offers full-day special education instruction to children and young adults between the ages of 5 and 21. Educational programming and related services are based upon each child's Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Cantalician Center conducts instruction from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM and operates on a twelve-month basis, which includes a six-week extended program during the summer months. Transportation is free and implemented by the student's neighborhood school district. Parents may also provide transportation.
COVID-19 Information for Cantalician Center:
- Drop-off Procedure for Therapy ONLY Students
- Student Health Screening Form
- Student Arrival & Dismissal Map
School Resources:
Cantalician Center's School Age services provides instructional community interactive and social experiences which enhance the student's transition to adulthood. Individualized student goals include the development/improvement of communication skills, personal hygiene, healthy lifestyles, safety, making the right choices, self-advocacy, community travel, vocational skills and self-improvement.
Cantalician Center's School Age building currently accommodates 190 students. Participants come from the city of Buffalo as well as school districts located throughout Erie, Niagara, Cattaraugus and Genesee Counties.
Cantalician Center's School Age services provides functional mathematics, science and reading curriculum while the student develops adaptive, social and independent living skills. This is in accordance with their abilities and the IEP developed by the parents, district and Cantalician Center. The IEP is designed to meet the specific needs of each student.
All students qualifying for School Age services are placed by the Committee on Special Education (CSE) from the home school district in which they reside. The CSE works closely with the parents and Cantalician Center staff to develop the most appropriate program for each student. Tours arranged by the CSE of Cantalician Center are recommended. Current medical records are mandatory before enrollment.
Cantalician Center provides comprehensive initial and supplemental evaluations for students attending School Age. Evaluations are conducted at Cantalician Center.
• Hockey, Football, Basketball & Adaptive Sports |
• Old Home Days |
Instructional Staff
Special Education Instructors at Cantalician Center are certified by the New York State Department of Education. Approximately 160 teachers, aides, and related therapists provide services for students at the Cantalician Center.
All programs run in concurrence with the typical school calendar with regard to legal holidays and school breaks. Our session begins in September and runs through June. We also offer a six-week summer session for all students.
We offer (PECS Certified) Speech/Language Therapy that utilizes iPad technology as part of instruction and provides audiological screenings. We also offer Occupational Therapy that provides Radiant Child Yoga as part of instruction and Physical Therapy that has access to an updated Fitness Clinic to utilize during instruction.
Related Services & Support
We offer a number of support services to our students and their families. Our multi-disciplinary team is made up of highly trained and experienced professionals, offering an array of specialized services.
• Special Education Instruction |
• Job Readiness/Supported Work Program |